Wednesday 16 September 2009

A Legend in the Making: Epilogue and Genre Twist

With the beast slain and the princess rescued a national holiday is declared on the wedding day. With all the realm out to see the prince and his new bride the characters will have to step in to provide security and sign a few autographs perhaps. With the wedding vows about to be said an ally of the terrible beast bursts in. Is it the brood of the terrible dragon, the ancient spirit of the vampire lord or an army of golems? Time for the characters to save the day once more and fight amongst the church, feast table and of course the precariously positioned multi layered wedding cake.

Perhaps this whole stealing princesses has become a bit of fad across the globe. Rival kingdoms will bribe monsters to steal princess of other nations in order for their own children to rescue them, guaranteeing them marriage alliances. The players experience in slaying monsters will get them lucrative rewards from rescuing princess before rival kingdoms do.

Genre Twist
The daughter of a interstellar merchant guild has been kidnapped by a powerful raider of the space lanes. The players will have to track him down across multiple planets and defeat the forces he sends against them.

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