Wednesday 9 September 2009

My shiny new Notebook

Hello Everyone,

I'm a Games Master and most of my time is spent thinking up fun concepts to throw into my games. Thinking up a cool idea is an imperfect process you never know what might work, what the players will do or when you will need it.

Idea generation is, in my opinion, a crucial skill to make every game a good game. If you can bring with you lots of little ideas to the gaming table it will save you from those mind blank moments and help you roll with the punches the players throw at you.

So it is my honor to aid you my fellow role player with as many ideas as possible. Some you'll like, some you won't, some may be good for your game tonight and some for that game you would run if only you could think of something cool. My ideas alone may not be enough for you my reader, so I will include my tips and techniques for getting your creative juices flowing.

Welcome to my humble blog I hope you enjoy your stay.

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